
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Hello, I'm using grasshopper 0.7.0057.


Can I change the start point of closed curve, with the specific point?


For example, intersection between surface and curve, or near point on curve.

Views: 22564

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You can do it very easily if you stuck to control points as the start/end but otherwise you wouldn't end up with the same curve if you started introducing points to then be interpolated through.

attached CP new start. And drop the Very from the previous post as I've used the NurbsCurve component which is not in the version you are using (I don't think)

Viewport showing new start in green near the closest CP to criteria point highlighted in yellow


mh ok danny you have been faster than me :-)


anyway here is a ghx/3dm

Yeah, but i didn't provide any substance :)
Therefor yours is much more amitiouse :-)

I wanna throw my two cents in!

I just made a relatively simple definition for this a few days ago. If you don't mind having the closed curve  normalized, it works great.

I forget if grasshopper 0.7.0057 allows clusters so, I've included a second definition just in case.

Oh, I just realized that this is a slightly different application (slider input for point position). Oh well, here it is anyway.


Thank you Danny Boyes, Dedackelzucht, Gabriel Krause!


Split and Join... it's really simple but smart! ^^ :)


Gabriel, I modified your definition a little bit, so now it works with the specific point. I like it.


the last one.


Nice upgrade Jamparc.

I'll be using that sometime.

Ahhh, using t of crv CP is cool! I like it!

Hi Jamparc, i used yr definition few times and it works very good untill i had to apply it in set of differen curves which have to be lofted. SOme how component 'fillet crv at the paimiter' change curve start pt and after all 'loft ' is giveing very crazy shapes.

When I tryed to use Yr definition i turned that only some of my curves have start pt in the desired position. Rest remains at the oryginal position/ I assume that it is becouse 'Join' component is joining subdivided curves in wrong way but i don't know why.

thanks for any help!



This very simple vb script is probably better to use, although it will work only on closed curves.






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