is it possible to connect the current camera view's coordinates to a component in grasshopper? i'd like to dynamically grab the distance of the current view to an object(s).
in rhinoscript it would be done using 'rhino.viewCamera' which would return a coordinate, from which i could obtain the distance to an object. i just can't figure out the equivalent in grasshopper.. thanks for any tips!
Yes, you'll just need to do it through a scripting component. The following line should do it in a standard scripting component. Note this takes the camera position from the active viewport.
I think that gets you the position of the target point, not the camera. I can't seem to find how to get the camera position directly on the mrhinoviewport class (it has to be there, just like the target).
But it's easy to find it on the onviewport class:
Dim vp As ionviewport = app.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.vp
a = vp.CameraLocation