
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Call for advanced data matching video tutorials


perhaps would there be someone willing to publish an advanced tutorial for data matching? After a couple of weeks with GH I've grown to love it, but creating specific types of tree structures in order to have components interact with one another in desired patterns is still mostly puzzling to me, and I cannot achieve what I want even after hours of trying different ways.

I usually have to resort to splitting up all my data into several individual components, so that I have full control over who does what. You'll be able to tell that this is a waste of time though, or usually even impossible in the first place if you require a variable count of paths depending on sliders you change at the beginning of your definition.

So thank you to whoever might fancy putting up a video tutorial here.

Views: 2635

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Thanks, worked.

But where did you guys put this for download?

In grasshopper choose: File-> Special Folder-> Components folder. Copy the downloaded file there. Right click on it-> Properties and check whether the file is blocked. If it is, there will be a "unblock" button. Click on it, and choose Ok.

Restart Rhino and grasshopper.

Nono, I understand that. I'm just asking how to get past the Milkbox notification?

Also David, do you have an updated poster of Tree Sloth? I saved that huge PNG you made available as reference and would appreciate an update, if you can. Thanks!

You could check out my eyas plugin which is supposed to address issues of data management in gh using custom components called dictionaries

Hi there

you might find some usefull videos that deal with advanced data trees topics (by studio air) in the link below





Some time ago I posted some components (clusters) to deal with branches and lists in a different way... they are in a group called Gibbon (with one member still jaja).

here is a picture of "shift branches" from gibbon. The clusters are open.







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