
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

I'm doing a C# script to sort similar surfaces on a geodesic dome.

The input surfaces are - in the script - placed in a list that i declare like this:
List<Surface> out2 = new List<Surface>();

However, when they are outputted, they are untrimmed...

Is there another type to use for trimmed surfaces?!


Views: 2993

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Hi Jes,

use List<Brep>. RhinoCommon Surfaces are full surfaces in reality.
Breps should be able to contain the information that you need.

Hope it helps,

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
You guys are so clever... Thanks, that worked.
So I guess that means that all trimmed surfaces actually are Breps!?
Well, yes, Grasshopper surfaces are Breps'es that have only one face. This way they can be trimmed.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona

Hello Jes.

I'm actually trying achieve what your problem caused. But my skills in C++ are quite poor so I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing you code or helping me a bit? What i'm seeking is a module which takes the trimmed surfaces and remaps them to untrimmed.



There's an Untrim component now. Do you think that it might help?


- Giulio
McNeel Europe

Hi Giulio,

And where in the grasshopper is the Untrim surface? do you know? will the Untrim option rebuilt the UV of his trim surface?



Hi Mania,

untrimm is a component you can find in Surface -> Util -> Untrim (you need a recent version of Grasshopper)

I do not think it's necessary for it to rebuild the UV parameterization. It's something completely invisible in terms of final form anyhow.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe


Hello Giulio!


Thank you for the tip but it does not take me where I want. I believed that when a surface is untrimmed the uv-coordinates are mapped to the new untrimmed surface. As i'm building a component which is placed in different surfaces segments created by splitting a master-surface. The geometry of the component is based in the uv-coordinate system and therefor it's nessesary for me to do a remapping of the new surface.

I did try to do new surfaces of the segments of the main surface but the uv-coordinate system is randomized which makes it hard to handle.

All the surfaces are reparameterised and evaluated in UV point 0.25,0.25

Is this possible?



Hi Oliver,

could you start a new thread and upload there a sample of what you are trying to do and what instead you are getting?

That would help understand. Thanks,

- Giulio
McNeel Europe

I made a thread last week about this problem. I have made a different approach to the problem after I posted but the last issue is still the same.


Thank you for your commitment!


hi jes, so the best is to use the brep input and use the faces like you are using surfaces


List<Brep> my_breps = new List<Brep>();
my_breps[the index of the list].Faces[always zero if it is a single surface]......... do what ever you want to do
 A = my_breps[0].Faces[0].DuplicateFace(true);


by using the brep objects you can do more freaky things with it for example if you join the surfaces you can find out the relationships of the surfaces






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