
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Why this happens below?

First two options, does not output any value.

I expected first element of polyline array - first item as polyline and second, third as null or invalid?

Do I need specifically to check if polyline is empty or invalid before output?

Compiled components do not have this issue and I was having nulls before.

Views: 690

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I can not read those images without hurting my eyes, I think a gh file is in order.

Sorry for the images.

But it is simple issue:

I have array of 3 polylines.
First one is valid polyline other ones not, meaning they have one point or none.

When I output that array nothing is shown.

Visual studio shows nulls in other for none valid polylines and output first one too. While gh c sharp editor do not output anything.

Is this because visual studio casts polyline array to curve array before output?






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