
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, i would like some help on a simple question.

I am trying to create a building with:

  • editable and movable floor slabs on each floor,
  • editable number of columns, connected from bottom to top, near the edge of the all the floor slabs.

For example, Say I wanted to move the 5th floor slab slightly to left by 5 meters, i would like the columns to still be connected to the points created by divide curve tab, the columns shall be slanted. 

That's the basic idea... I tried using script but don't seem to be getting anywhere, I am all open to you guys' suggestions.

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Bear in mind that if these are main construction columns (the ones that carry the weight of the building), this is not how things are made in buildings structural engineering.
All these main columns would remain straight, and on places where you have slabs "peeking" from the original floor plan, a particular longer cantilever beams or even trusses would be considered to translate the load from the slabs, back to vertical columns.
If these are only curtain wall columns, and they do not carry the load of the building, then it is ok for them to look like this.


O thank you djordje, thats pretty much what i was trying to create.

I realized actually buildings would require more orthodox construction columns (preferably center core as well), These exterior columns more of less acts as facade or secondary structures. Anyways, its just a study model right now, let's see how it goes afterwards. 

Cheers again for the timely rescue =] 

No problem.
By the way I forgot to say, that project looks very interesting.
Keep up the good work.






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