
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

    I posted earlier in Atsuo Nkajima's page (, and is slightly off topic so I'm posting it again here.

I have a question:
Having done the model in GH, is there anyway to convert the model into a
language where a industrial robot can understand or read and actually
build the model? I'm planning to builfd the "wall of bricks" in GH then
output it or transfer the model data to a Robot language and build the
wall with robots,



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Replies to This Discussion

Though I only read some articles about it there are a few guys/gals over at ETH-Zurich experimenting with it, I guess you can always take a look at the following links or try to e-mail them directly:

For non-robot build stories about the perils of parametric brick walls, take a look at 290 Mulberry by SHoP Architects.
Hello Mattias,
Thank you for the tips, will give it a try emailing them, but will try to learn GH 1st,

Hi Taz,
I tried that method a while ago in Rhino, but not as good as the original.
Here is a download link for "":
I unzipped, openned .ghx file, please have a look at the uploaded file. I would like to know whether I need to draw a brick 1st in rhino then apply .ghx to it...or...

Once the wall is completed in Rhino and GH, output the data to another application to get the working points of sequence, another word to mange the position of point = position of brick, need a software developer to do this...

Then finally to the robot to stack the bricks---> Kuka, M
start to learn pascal or python if your wish is to interact with Kuka machines...






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