
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I'm using GH 0.90010 .

I think I found a BUG in plane fit tool. It has "dx" as output, the maximum deviation of points from the plane (in fact the max elevation of the points in plane-fitted coordinates). But he seems not to consider the negative ones, so the opposite of positive Z axis (in plane fitted coordinates). Maybe they are <0 and skipped?

I suggest that "dx" is modified as Maximum of ABS of dz... there always be negative dz....Plane is fitted with zero average (average of dz with sign is 0), am I right?

Thank you, bye

Umberto Saggio

Views: 546


Replies to This Discussion

This caught me out the other day. If this is the intended output (which I seriously doubt) then it is not clear at all. I am posting this 8 years after this initial post and it still hasn't been fixed?






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