
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi David,

There is a display update lag when the Solver is disabled. When you make a change to a definition it does not show until the next event is initiated.   

Views: 395

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Hi Danny,

indeed, I'll fix it. 


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

...aaaaand fixed.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

interesting, I have noticed this for awhile, thought it was the way it was supposed to be so I ignored it.

It's the Scheele story all over again. Such an unfair world we live in.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

ha ha, I wish no credit. Just figured if it where in fact a bug that someone probably told you already :)

I don't think we can put Elements, with a capital E, and gh bugs in the same category, as much as I want world class recognition for my efforts :)

Hello David,

I have a related issue that you may have already fixed by fixing this bug.  When the solver is disabled, one cannot modify the position of an MD slider dot too much.  It moves a bit, but one cannot move it say, from the center to a corner.  I think the issue is related, but you might want to check if you also solved it for MD Slider...






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