
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi friend,

Can I help me for this algorithm? 

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Try this (but it's solely with C# and a bit stupid: no idea why I made it ... long time ago).

The usual thing (becomes the norm): no attachments possible (I'll try later)

Thanks peter

2nd attempt (Rhino test case)


2nd attempt (gh)


Hi Peter

thanks A lot freind ...

but if i created without C#, How to Algorithm?
and one Another Question,
How Build this Pattern by Physical brick ?

Without C# > see Joseph's stuff.

Physical > you need some layout that enumerates the actual bricks and provides some sort of orientation data/info for each one. Make some adjustable "form" for accurately (so to speak) placing the pieces. Avoid concrete/heavy bricks. Avoid classic mortar when Z "deviation" is desired. Avoid places with seismic activity. Avoid Vodka during the construction. Avoid following the plan too closely (what's the purpose?). Avoid doing it anyway (best option, he he).

If you do it (against all odds) and the whole thingy fails and/or looks awful/kitsch and/or collapses  ... tell the client that's intended (This is/was pure art Sir, blah blah) and double your fee (for the 2nd attempt).

A bit like assembling a sailboat inside a bottle (not my forte I confess, he he).

Wow :D 

"A bit like assembling a sailboat inside a bottle" hahahaha really good ;-)

But I Want Build in Small Model .

You Materials and Methods at hand?

Model? Then follow plan B (Vodka is allowed):

Create a negative "form" (from, say, polystyrene) that emulates the surface desired. Don't bother about accuracy (who's gonna notice it?). Better: buy a polystyrene block and using sandpaper/chisels [and maybe a sledgehammer] shape it accordingly (forget GH: why bother?). This process creates an awful mess of small pieces flying around but no pain no gain.

Make the miniature bricks via 3d printing (or better use stripes of wood). Buy some decent adhesive (1 minute curing 2 parts epoxy is OK). Avoid "instant" cyanoacrylate nonsense (SuperGlue, Locktite and the likes).

Start assembling the bricks by following the "form" - pressing them against the "form" that is (use some spacer in order to avoid the obvious).

Buy the bottle and if the whole thing fails ... do the sailboat (Plan Z).

See this thread (among many others, I'm sure):






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