
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

brep intersection - How can i allow the existence or only one point? tangent


Hello everybody!

So  i am working on a shade (the bigger loft) and i am using galapagos to achieve the maximum shadow area for some hours during the day. As you can see the shade is a loft which is created by 4 ellipses. Radious 1 and 2, center location and height of each ellipse are adjusted with number sliders in order to achieve the best results.

The inner brep cosists of 4 circles with stable radius.There is one circle for each ellipse and they are on the same plane.

For structural concistency i want to allow the existence of only ONE (or none) intersection point between each ellipse and its inner circle. I have used the brep intersection tool but i dont know how to restrict the oucome. Any ideas?

Thank you!

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