
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can somebody demonstrate to me a proper use of a bounding box component?

My understanding of it was that it allows you to combine multiple objects into one single reference object. for example if i had a box and a tube modeled separately but wanted the combine form of those two used as a panel on a surface without doing a boolean union function on them to combine them into one, i could use a bounding box to "temporary" treat them as a one so i can tile them.

do i have it right?

thank you,


ps. i have attached a sample that shows how i tried to use the bounding box component and failed.

Views: 13258


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Hi Konrad,

You are using the BBox to create a reference of the geometry that you wish to morph. i.e. the corners of that BBox will be mapped to the corners of the Target Boxes. Any Geometry within that BBox will then be mapped relative to the UVW space of that box to the new target boxes.

Where your definition is slipping up is the data matching aspect of GH. You have two lists (that count). One list contains 100 items of target boxes and the other contains 2 items of geometry. GH defaults to the Longest List data matching

List A --> List B

Target Box A0 --> Cuboid

Target Box A1 --> Cylinder

Target Box A2 --> (Oops List B has run out of items. Now GH will repeat the last item = Cylinder)

Target Box A3 --> Cylinder


Target Box J9 --> Cylinder


There are two approaches to rectify this the most logical would be to group the geometries into one object (What you had in mind with the bounding box) to do this use the Group Component on the Transform Tab > Utility Panel.

The other approach is far more common in GH mentality. Use the Graft, right click the G input of Morph and select Graft from the Context Menu. This places all of the items in the List on to separate branches. Creating a list of lists (although these new list only have one item). When GH now tries to data match them it will apply the whole of the first geometry list (Only the Cuboid) to all of the target boxes and all of the second list (Cylinder) to the target boxes again.

I hope this helps


This totally makes sense now. Although i have found that setting Morph to Cross Reference data matching does exactly the same thing as Graft. Do you mind explaining why would one be better over the other? 







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