Hello Everyone.
Does anyone know if it is possible either with just grasshopper components or with GH components and VBscript to boolean toogle on and off the streaming of Number data to an external file for use later in the GH code?
I know that in the panel component that you can switch this on and off and when the streaming is switched off the external file stays filled with the last given set of numbers, though if you try and gate the panel and it becomes inactive the file disappears so this idea would not work.
The boolean toggle will be activated by a More Than (set) number component as this is denoting a base shape and the start lenghts of the structural components. with an increase past this number the lenghts will change which they can't do physically in the real world, thus the streaming of the file data must stop and be stored at the last point. So the base lenghts can be read from the file back into the code to keep the structural componets the same lenght as at the start so they slide past each other.
Another question is are there any file types that would keep the stored data in it trees or would they need to be re-mapped with the path mapper when read back into the GH code?
If toggling the stream content can only be done in VBscript could some explain what has to be written and why as code knowlege is still very basic though want to learn more and have yet to find out how i print a string to external file if that is what i am ment to be doing.