
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, I have a problem when blending two lines. I have 2 lists with the lines I want to blend, but the issue is, one list is twice as big as the other.

The first list has 24 curves, and the other one 48. I want to join both curves.

This is the 3d:

This is what I want to achieve (black lines):

Basically, its the Beijing Olympis Stadium's structure.

Sorry if it's not well explained, tell me if you don't understand anything.

Thanks in advance!

Views: 491

Replies to This Discussion

1. Duplicate the first list.(24-->48) and Graft(48 branchs of 1 item each)

2. Graft the second list.(48 branchs of 1 item each)

3. merge two list

4. Join Curves

5. Fillet Curve





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