
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Fellows,
I'm a beginner with grasshopper.
I'm trying to randomly rotate some panels generated from the division of a curve.

Curve->Divide->Offset Points->Line->Line Extrude->Rotate Extrusion

I'm really struggling to rotate each of those panels with an individual random angle.
I can generate a list of random angles, but at the step of rotation, I have either
A/ Each panel rotated with all the angles in the random list
B/ All panels rotated with the first value of the random list

I believe it has to do with some settings of the list.

Thanks for your help, I'm sure it's an easy manipulation !

Views: 1716

Replies to This Discussion

Here's the ghx file

Many Thanks


Hi greenhopper,

You don't need graft the list of random angle. 

Hi Yasser,

So simple...

Thanks a lot !

no graft and your number of random values should equal the same as the amount of panels you have.






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