
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Beginner question - how to extrude a surface without creating internal faces?


I'm just getting familiar with Grasshopper, and having a great time. I have run into one roadblock around extruding flat surfaces that I hope someone can help me with.

I've created a pretty basic surface (please see the first attached image)

So far, so good.

However, when I extrude that flat surface, I end up with a bunch of internal faces (please see the second attached image)

How can I set up an extrude that works correctly - that does not create internal faces?

Thank you in advance for your help!

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Michael - I'd love to take a look at the definition to your modification to my example if you're comfortable sharing it.

Thanks again,


just copy it, its only 5 components added to the end of yours.

brep component> area> cull duplicates> list item> brep join.

Hi Michael,

Got it working - thanks for your help! I think what was happening, at least on my end, was that the default tolerance for the cull - 0.1 - wasn't enough to get those interior faces. I had to put a slider on the cull tolerance to get it high enough to eliminate the interior faces, but not so high that it started killing faces that were needed.

Thanks again,


if your brep is co-planar you can also use merge faces to remove "interior curves"






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