
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i have a Problem: i have around 1000 obj files here (all almost the same structure). 

all of them need to be rotated around 90°. + all of them have an object called "Skybox" which i need to remove from the file.

Is something like this possible with Grasshopper? 

- if not, what other tool could i use?

Thanks a lot,


Views: 1591

Replies to This Discussion

I added an output folder and a Transform input. Now you can specify all rotations, translations and scaling factors you need using Grasshopper directly.


I Dont know how to thank you David!!! 

I never expected my Problem to be solved that fast!!! 



after you use the component, grasshopper is like stuck.

This sometimes happens to me, or it may come from?

What does 'like stuck' mean?

It's impossible to select a component or imposible to pan.

If use GrasshopperUnloadPlugin rhino's command, it's return normaly.

All menu commands work?

Yes but canvas is locked...


what should i have to chance in the code to export not a obj file but a collada (dae) file? 

is it just changing the extension? 

Thanks a lot!!!


It's not just the extension, it's also the string of options for the importer/exporter. Each file type has different options, so those need to be adjusted as well.

Ok, but changing .obj to .dae worked for me just fine. So in this case Rhino realizes what i want to do just with the extension?

Thanks for your time and all your superfast responses!!!!!

Well, the script will attempt to set a bunch of non-existent options, which Rhino ignores. So yes, changing the extension is enough, but if you want to do it properly you should at least remove the pointless options.


i realized that i have made a huge mistake in a database describing the 3D Files i am working with here.

I need to add a function wich gives me back several sizes form the imported obj files. 

In every of these files is an object called "Haus_l" and i need the size of x,y,z preferebly written in a spreadsheet or something else...

Any Idea how i could achieve this?

Thanks a lot!!!!!






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