
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i am new to grasshopper and studying alone, i created a volume of closed curves from their controlpoints of many polylines(voronoi 3d structure) in space.and the polylines share the same edges. now i have a problem to isolate every single curve with its polyline and then creat a line between the midpoint on every edge of polyline and its closest point on the curve.if not isolate every single curve and its polyline, grasshopper would find the closest point on curves for one polyline. anyone could tell me how to resolve pls?

many thanks in advance,


Views: 908

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hi jon,

exact! it's an empty file, but grasshopping showed its archiving messages...(no idea what they are). do you have any suggestion where could i read about tree and branches for detailed information?
one big greeting !! many thanks!


best regards,

Here you go. The trick was to organize the mid points into the same structure as the segments, so that they would be grouped according the curves that they were extracted from. I did this by finding the length of each segment list, and then creating a series from those list lengths to organize the flattened list of midpoints into the appropriate groups.
huge thanks benjamin!

you have archieve the result with only the grasshopper components which is Jon waiting for!it's great of you to share your definition with us,(i am the very person getting the benefit:] )

sincere thanks again,

Here's a repost of that file. Hope you can open this one. If you can't, email me or pm me your email and I'll send you the file.

I'll have a look/think about trees/branches when I get a chance, others in the group must know a lot more than me.


hi jon,

i couldn't open the new posted file, it reshowed the archiving messages of rhino...

i've sent you a message via the forum system , hoping to hearing from you soon!

best regards,

hi yewei

i tested the last file and i had no problem...maybe you have to update to version 6.0019

hi to], yesterday, i thought i'd controlled the version, now i will check it again, thanks for your remind!

hi to],

you got it! it's the problem that i didn't update the version to 6.0019! thanks, also mega thanks to jon!

screen-shots would be very helpful to see what your seeing and to help fix the problem
hi chris,

sorry but could you explain the screen-shot ....thanks!!







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