
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have a custom component, that produces two outputs that are custom object types (my own classes where I have implemented the functions for baking etc).

The first output is effectively a single curve, the second output is optional but might contain two points (output by SetDataList).

Is there a means to bake all three objects from my custom component?  At present if I bake, it will generate my curve, but the two curves are left blank.  I should also say that the points are not previewed for this component.  Is there a means to flag outputs for previewing and baking?  The point object class works fine when it is the single output of a different component.

At the moment I'm running 0.7.0014, let me know any other information that might be useful.

Thanks in advance,


Views: 466

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Jon,

So the Point Type you wrote doesn't preview and doesn't bake? But the Curve Type does?
What kind of output parameters do you use?

The pManager object has a method that allows you to disable the preview for a specific parameter:


By default all previews are enabled.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David,

I was registering the parameters as Register_GenericParam, the hide parameter didn't seem to work in 0.7.0014. What interface do I need to implement to register as a Geometric Param, IGeometricGoo? I'm probably going to change work flow on this, so leave it until I have a chance to study it a bit more closely.

I will ask a different question though (as I'm thinking of just creating the points when I back the curve), is there a means to send multiple GUIDs to the executing component when baking?
public bool BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, global::Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes att, out Guid obj_guid) requires you return a single one, is there a handle to a list for the component to add more? I am using a list of GUID to "replace" objects previously baked when you next bake the component.


Hi Jon,

sorry, I've been travelling again this week and ran into some complications. Please write me an email with some of the details and I'll try and type up a response when I have some more time.

David Rutten
Turku, Finland






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