
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all,


im working with a definition i made where a series of different sized components populate a surface according to the distance between isocurves. right now i can bake the components using bake with attributes, and each component has a color. i'm wondering if there is a way to directly stream the component colors into different render settings in vray. for example, if a color is between R 100-150 G 100-150 B 50-75, it gets a certain render setting applied to it. attached is a screenshot...



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The bake attributes script will let you assign render color directly, by providing a list of colors to the "material" input. You can also handle transparency by giving it a shader as input instead of a color (using the create material component). If you already have a set of V-ray materials in your document, you can also assign them in the same component by providing a list of V-ray material names to the material input. If you want to generate materials automatically with more complex custom properties, you will probably need to jump into some custom scripting.


As one last possibility, you may be able to get it all done with a single material using Vicente Soler's brilliant "texture generator for multiple object colors" (here:

which will automatically generate a single bitmap texture and bake the objects with a clever texture mapping that assigns the appropriate part of the texture to the appropriate object. Very easy to turn into a v-ray material!

hi andrew, fancy seeing your response here! yes i was thinking of custom properties with transparency/material settings based on the individual RGB of each component. that being said, i think vicente's texture generator looks excellent, i'll try it out.



it's like a regular high school reunion on the grasshopper board! you could use vicente's thing a couple times over to generate a series of textures to feed into the various channels - one for color, one for alpha, one for whatever other characteristic you want to map.

Hi Andrew,

do you know how to render a material with transparency? I was using the create material component (with 50% transparency) but it turns to grey when I bake it. I have to solve this in Rhino or GH? I dont know!


i am trying to do the exact thing.  i have a mesh with color given to it from GECO plug in which collected the ecotect solar radiance.  I basically want to use like 3-5 different types of colors based on the amount of sun on each panel.  so i have the different color panels where yellow gets more sun and blue gets less sun.  so i want to basically have a panel thats clear, one thats opaque white and 2 or 3 in between.  here is an image of my panel:

so how do i go from this, a collection of different panels with different colors, narrowing it down to only 5 colors and attributing those colors to a corresponding vray material?


thanks a bunch, 




Hi folks,

you may want to take a look at this collection of userobjects. It's called FabTools and it enables every bake attribute of rhino to grasshopper in a very easy and fast way. You can easily drag individual components to your user objects folder. No install is needed.








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