Hi, I am trying to create this kind of pattern (see jpeg below), but even if in gh it works, when i bake all the surfaces I not obtaining all the surfaces trimmed.
I have seen this problem before. It has to do with the fact that you have triangular surfaces with a trim curve.
GH (and sometimes Rhino) gets confused and doesn't recognize the two trim curves as exterior and interior. If you [Untrim] with GH you can see what your underlying NURBS surfaces look like.
To resolve the problem within GH you can create a surface from 3 points and then trim it or you could use a combination of extruding and [Trim Solid].
I had exactly the same problem. I used another solution though: In my case it worked perfectly when I changed in the Rhino Options -> Document Properties -> Mesh the Render Mesh Quality to Custom with the default settings in the boxes.
But you can also try first to create a section of your wrongly baked pieces: Because for me all sections were perfectly fine (all trimmed), so they were actually cut but the problem was in the representation of them.