
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

It would be great if you could bake a model as it is animated so that each step is recorded...

I have created a definition that uses a series of solar attractor points based on both seasonal and hourly sun angles in order to capture the most ideal angle of reflected light from water onto a surface.

Any ideas on how I can basically bake each step in an interval without having to manually adjust the slider and choose bake? Is this a process that has already been established?

I think this could be a very useful tool for capturing and therefore creating movement diagrams.

Views: 1909

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Hi Gennifer! Yes, there are some examples out there doing what you ask. A C# component here called RenderAnimation should do what you ask. It comes with other three examples for animating in GH. HIH
Giulio, Thanks for your reply... these components are useful for rendering, but I think I will need some additional support in order to bake components at each interval. Any thoughts?
The renderAnimation (example D) has a c# scripting component which does the following:
- it bakes the geometry (with colors, layers, materials, etc...)
- it starts the application default rendering engine (code lines 221-223)
- it deletes the geometry (lines 226-230)
- if requested, it clears the undo-redo lists
This is done in this order so that the Rhino document does not get filled up with too much geometry at once (imagine rendering 1000s frames with many objects in each one. The system most probably handle it).

But maybe you just really need the first step. On the same webpage there is another script called bakeAttributes. When you click onto the true/false toggle, you will see it working. Be careful not to overpopulate the document, though!
Okay, I will look at it more closely. Thank you for your help.

Giulio, what about for a series of lines? For example if I have a line that is generated from points from populate 2d and I wanna bake each line as each point is added. As the points get added the line gets larger, its as if you are animating the slider that controls the number of points in the populate 2d and every time you add a point you bake a line on a  layer. Is this possible? I have used the engine component before, but cant get it to work now.






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