algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi Jon,
Please find attached the model. It seems to work but iIt doesn't give any results (it gave first but now nothing).
thanks !
I made two changes to get results with your model. The first was to explicitly define the steel material (this might be in your robot blank model). The second was to add a gravity load specification to the load case.
Let me know if this doesn't help or if you have further questions.
Hello Jon,
Thanks for your help! It works now. I understand that it is preferably to explicitly define the selfweight load (and also the material). In Robot when you create a load case without other specification it create the selfweight load case on all structure. I'll go on testing all these things and let you know.
A suggestion : could the calculation components (ggsolver) have a boolean toggle button to specify if the calculation must be launched at each modification of any gg component ? Of course if one changes something, the ggsolver should become red if the calculation has to be launched again to take the modification into account.
Best regards,
Hi Michel,
I've uploaded a new build with a new version of the solver component with boolean input so you can enable or disable it. If you download from the attached should work.
This is exaggerated on the Robot plugin as it is comparatively (against GSA or SAP2000 etc) very slow to build a model from the API. I (and other robot users) have been requesting to autodesk to improve this, if you or anyone else wish to reinforce this great.
Hi Jon,
Thank you! I will load the new component. Thanks for this quick answer.
I will join to the request to autodesk.
Best regards,
Hi Jon,
Please find attached a model I'm working on. Difficult to work with gg components; ggbake doesn't bake all elements defined on my grasshopper panel. I don't understand. Thanks for your help.
Another question : ggPanel : Panel Type : what does it wait for? How to make a pane type. Does it mean a Robot panel type?
Each component should have a more explicit help.
Best regards,
Hi Michel,
I think you forgot to attach your model. If you right click on the input you should find a list of enumerated options.
Hi Jon,
Here are the files!
Thank you.
Best regards,
Hi Jon,
Can't upload my files! the 3dm has only 17 straight lines and I can't reduce its size (5.7 Mo). I don't understand...
Best regards,
Try save small menu option in rhino, and zipping it generally reduces to 30%. You can drop box it to me. Is there an associated gh file?
Hi Jon,
Here are the files.
Best regards,
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