
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


 I did what Michael Pryor saids  on:


and for some reason its not working pretty well

When the values get inverted they dont work as well as it does when they are normal.

can you help me a little with this? I am strugglin trying to find a solution


the geometry should have a nice slope like in the first image. what I am doing wrong?

I am uploading my def


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This is what I posted in the other thread:

Ok so you don't want the fall off to be that great. I would suggest you pick a distance away from the line where the column height will always be equal to zero. Then subtract your measured distance from the line away from the is Zero height distance. eg. at 10m all columns will be equal to 0. This will be a linear fall off but when it reaches your desired zero height boundary it will become -ve so You will have to also have an "if(x<0,0,x)" expression.


Otherwise you could soft the inverse fall off by having 1/x^0.5 ie the inverse of the square root or even cube root.



I think this is too much for me!!! I will try your answer! but sounds complex!!!

could you give me a hint?

I answered you on your first post, you were not using remap correctly.

Here's a hint.

instead of if(x<0,0,x) I've used 0.1 so that the extrude component doesn't error

thanks gonna try it out!!!


its amazing how many ways I "re-learn" how to do things from this forum. so many ways, so many ways.
it was defenetly to much for me!! thanks for your help danny!

Michael Pryor The definition by Danny works like a charm...its just what I need it!!!! it controls all the data that I wanted

but I am just trying to understand yours...since you help me so much I would like to understand your def and see if it can do what I am looking for.

it doesnt work correctly cuz:

I need the geometry to be 1.4 mts the highest and 0.06 mts the lowest

and when I do this with your def there is some geometry that I cant control...I can either do the highest or the lowest but not both at the same time.

do you understand what I mean?

use min and max components
I did but dont work






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