
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am trying to work out the definition for the typical CNC array of sections buy I'm kind of new and this is a mess. 

I found this post but I am doing something wrong cause its displaying the contours in the in the object instead of making an array of drawings.

:D thanks!

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You mean that you are after something "like" this attached (very rough/naive/incomplete code here: written in a hurry within a couple of minutes) with the added capability to arrange the sections - "contours" if you insist - in a given plane?

If so, I could add some lines of code more (the trad V2 update, he he).

PS: for arranging things have fun with the decompose def.

PS: test data are internalized, but get the Rhino file as well (Plan B)

best, Peter


You mean that you are after something "like" this attached (very rough/naive/incomplete code here: written in a hurry within a couple of minutes) with the added capability to arrange the sections - "contours" if you insist - in a given plane?

Exactly. I'll check at home cause at my work I dont have Rhino or GH, but thank you so much in advance :)

OK, it's very easy to add the "arrange sections in some Plane" thing: but better list here your exact requirements (for instance: do you want/wish a user defined plane for the boundingbox? - other than the world thingy, etc etc) 

I have an object made of pipes that I need to section every certain distance (contour) and arrange the contours in a flat plane so I can see all the sections at once and tweak the areas where the pipes intersect to each other or needed to be adjust.

Thanks buddy :)

Added a myriad of options: It's almost ready (minor "layout" issues remain). I'll post the thing tomorrow.

Thank you so much cause I tried yesterday and I couldnt make it work (because I'm new)

Is asking for BREP but I have a bunch of surfaces(pipes) and I don't know how to connect that geometry to the BREP component :/

OK, I'll declare input type as System.Object and I'll add some questions more (are you a bird? a plane? maybe superman? etc etc).

PS: post your pipes in order to test the whole thing further: in fact if the sections are "tiny" there's some additional layout puzzles around in order to put them down (Plane.WorldXY) with some nice way. 

Good news: V3 is almost ready (totally reworked in too many areas:  more bugs, slower, more chaotic options  =  what's not to like?)

Bad news: V2 is NOT for your case, since it deals with Breps separately (one DataTree branch  per section plane : first dimension = brep "id", second dimension = section(s)) whilst you need to iterate all "items" present and sample their sections in one branch per section plane). Thus a "working mode" option should control these 2 "sampling modes" (plus some code changes).

Ugly news: something urgent occurred and I'll be back Sunday.

Until then, get V2. If C# turns red and says some mysterious things like this or that ... it means that GH has lost the internalized data (a very common bug, almost the norm I must say) and reports them as "null Breps".

more this Sunday, best, Peter   


Oh man... You are making me feel bad. You are working too much on this. I thought It will be like... "Here, Use this common GH bundle of components that everybody uses... Thank you so much though :D

Here, use these common GH components, everybody uses.



I'm back (to no mans land coming from another no mans land far and away: 20 hours flight to/from nowhere, he he). BTW: I do this because (a) I've said so, (b) to use it myself for some future things.


V3 accepts anything (mixed types included) as input - shown 2 surfaces (but not meshes because I hate them, he he).

V3 sorted the bad layout issue and it's 0.001% faster (WOW).

V3 operates on a per item/set basis and has 0.001% less bugs.

more soon






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