
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey Everyone,

I am trying to array these rectangles evenly along any curve.

I need a 2" offset on either end of the curve but i also need the rectangles to be centered on the curve so that the left over on the ends will be the same. 

It is supposed to be a 19" rectangle with a 2" spacing so I divided the curve by a distance of 21" but this gives me rectangles over the end point of the curve.

I have attached an image with the above portion being what I am trying to achieve and the bottom portion is what i currently have. 

I have also attached the gh file. if anyone knows of a better way to approach this I would appreciate the help.


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I am also willing to write this in vb in python if anyone can assist me

you should discard first 9,5" a the start of line. divide by 9,5 the total length and cull odd items in the point list this will give you same result displaced by half the rectangle´s length (different by 2" from the repetition module's distance)

your rectangles are defined by center so you have to displace by half the length of rectangle.

one simple way is starting array displaced from the start of curve by half the size or rectangle

hope this help






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