
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Applying pattern without distortion on a curvature surface


We are going to build a parametric kiosk in a 1:1 scale and we have only 3-Axis CNC.

The logic is creating one geometry and creating a curvature surface with them. But the geometries can only distort in xy direction not z. I preapera a jpeg that has 10 screenshots for telling the problem. I am also adding the grasshopper code. Someone says appliyng a hexagrid could be helpful but I also couldn't do that. Could you please help?

Can you also write the steps that I need to know for solving this problem. Since I don't know the name of this problem I can not watch a specific video or searching for specific commands in order to achive what I want.

Thanks for your interest from now on..

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Is this Academic?

Other than that:

1. What are the materials of choice? (especially the red "connector": is it some elastic thingy bolted both sides?). Is FEA involved on this kiosk? (in order to avoid the obvious, he he).

2. Either attempt to get planar modules (via Kangaroo1/2). For instance K2 can quite effectively achieve planarity on quads > then your modules are rather easy to "derive" on a per quad basis.

3. Or (more complex in manufacturing) compose your modules out of planar "trapezes" (8 per module = 16 per double combo). This gives you far more freedom at the cost of assembling them properly. If (theoretically) these are made via some "large" scale 3d printing that is not a big issue ... but you don't have this option anyway.

BTW: within a scale of 1 to 10 rate your experience with GH.

Yes it is academic. I am a student.

The material is going to be plywood. And the red connector is going to be steel. We are also planning to bend it by a machine. We are going to bolt it both sides. I am new in Grasshopper so I am not very experienced. If I can not produce the code I am going to draw it one by one :D 

Hexagons or octagons from trapazes is actually what I discussed with the instructors but Since I am very new on grasshopper I couldn't imagine the way I am going to produce the code.

Do you have any adivise or example of code ? 


1. I would strongly advise NOT using steel as connectors (pain and treas on sight). Steel requires precision bending far far and away from what this little demo is about. If instructors told you that ... tell them that real-life and Academic thinking are a "bit" different. Use reinforced (sandwich: in the middle there's a nylon "tissue") elastic material that allows the tolerance liberties that are critical for effortlessly assembling that thingy. For having a rough idea on these > go to the automotive shops and ask to see the flexible belt/strap that drives the engine auxiliary systems (like the alternator, for instance) - or even the camshafts on certain modern engines. "Similar" materials are available in sheets as well in various thicknesses. 

2. For getting an idea about planarity matters ... see this attached that I've made for some fellow user using Kangaroo2. Pay attention to the C# that reports the "final" state of things: Academic planarity and real-life planarity are NOT the same thing. Note the critical role of the elastic connector as well (steel doesn't understand an iota from "liberties" on that matter).

3. For going from planar quads to planar octagons ... well ... I'll prepare a small demo later on.

Other than that this is NOT a task for a novice ... not to mention connectivity data [freaky trees, he he] that are obviously required for the assembly or layouts for making the modules .. but if you are persistent enough... well ...


And this is rather more "entry" point on that rabbit hole matter (the planarity, that is).

Using Kangaroo2 and Lunchbox for making the modules.


thanks for your help. I will tell the instructors that material you mentioned. By the way ı found a rhino plug in called Panelling tools. Do you know if it is gonna work ? I am also going to work on the codes you send me a lot.. Thanks

Well ... the "trad" way to do planar stuff (on meshes) is the Evolute Tools Pro thingy ("cheapo" as well). But our Daniel (a very smart fella I confess) delivered the goods with K2 so ... stick to Plan A.

Added a 5 minutes LOL C# code on the previous example: doing planar hex Breps out of non planar (worst case scenario, that is) hex cells.

Show this to the instructors and ask them: Boffins ... can you think of an adjustable "joint" (hint: a ball pivot one) that could allow us to hold all these in place? [and "by-pass" planarity: I do hope that Daniel doesn't read this, he he].


I didn't look at Peter definitions (C# ? ;
). Here simple def for putting constant shapes (circle and square) on a surface. The next step will be to connect them and generate shape of connector. I will consider that holes are all the same on your panels. So the connectors will be uniques. Position of panels could surely be relaxed with Kangaroo. But At the moment I gave you 2 strategies to put panels. 


I looked at the positions of the bending of connectors and they are not all between the panels. So don't look at my proposition !

Well ... Laurent a quick question:

If you are familiar with K2 matters (if not don't read any further):

I'm fixing some (internal) stuff (only C# code including the K2 part) for planarizing any polygon ("on" surface Lists [open/closed]). In some occasions the Clamp Angle goal thingy is used. 

For a poly this goal accepts Line pairs (say: a given segment and the next one in the same segment order for all polys) and the upper/lower desired limit allowed with regard the derived angle.

I count the beans (the angle) in the trad matter: always in anticlckwise order with respect a fitted Plane (to poly vertices).

Apparently Daniel has other things in mind and LOL stuff occurs.

Notify if you have time to check the C# on that angle matter/goal (if yes provide your e-mail).

Older start of an answer here, via Kangaroo2 goal to keep polygons flat:






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