
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys,

I have a curved Surface and a simple pattern in Rhino. The problem is I can't make this pattern in grasshopper and apply it to the surface. I have spent almost 3 hours in grasshopper to find a solution, but I wasn't successful. I have attached two files, one is the curved surface and the other one is the pattern. Your help is so appreciated.

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have you tried map to surface?

There are many ways to map stuff in the Transform>Morph section. My favourite is SrfMorph

Thanks Fred,

It worked, but I am wondering how I can adjust the size and height of that pattern on the surface. For example, having smaller and shorter pattern in the corners and bigger and higher on the top of the dome.the other problem I have is that the pattern goes off the surface boundary. How can I fix that as well?







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