
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Any way to match the tangency of one curve to another in GH?

Similar to the Rhino match curve command, is what I'm looking for. In this case, I would want one curve to change, the other to stay the same.

Thanks for any help!

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I've never really dug into the point/weight/knot values of a nurbs curve, so this is super rough.  Just checked this out:

Using that, here's a quick and dirty definition that joins two curves into one.  Both curves are oriented in the same general direction, and the curve that gets changed is the "back" one of the two.  I am sure there are many other better ways to do this, and to make it more flexible, but I just sketched it super quick.  Basically the curve to remain fixed shoots off a new point from the end that's supposed to match, which replaces the control point at the matching end of the curve to change.  You can adjust how far out from the fixed curve the new control point shoots out.

Hope it helps...would love to see any refinements or other solutions.


This looks interesting! Will have a look.

Finally got around to checking it, that's a pretty nice definition you made! I think I'll try to mock up a simpler version to just put the first two control points of the second curve in the line of the last two control points of the first curve- that's all I need right now. It's sort of at the fringes of my GH capabilities, but it's a nice challenge.

Attached a very simplified version, just matches the last two control points of one curve to the direction of the second; plus a weight factor to control the influence of the second curve. Just what I needed, thanks for the help!


There doesn't appear to be a way to do this. I found the C++ algorithms in Rhino source and I can move them to RhinoCommon at which point they'll be available to Grasshopper.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

That'd be really nice addition to GH, thanks David!

thanks , you artikel very good, me really like you artickel thanks you so much.

five nights at freddy's






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