
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to replicate this skin for a project that i am doing...basically its a surface that grows from horizontal plane and continues to transform in the vertical plane. Please let me know if anyone has an idea on how to accomplish this. Oh yea, I am still a beginner.

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I have achieved a similar effect before, It all depends on the start geometry and the way in which you divide.
that's really cool!  you've got some other far out pics in there too!

This is interesting Jeremy!


Here is how I do:


1) I would model the shape on Rhino if you haven't already ? Please post it here if you did, it would make it easier to help.


2)I would divide the surface using a method similar to this one. The idea is to create curves following a base surface. This p[art will probably show you how to use lists. This might be confusing, use "param viewer" or Panels to see what is happening to your lists.


3) Instead of connecting the points with a polyline, I would use an "interpolated curve". Also Instead of connecting the points directly to the interpolated curve I would create a line SDL (start direction length) from every point and use the end point to define the curve (this will make sense at 4). The direction would be "unit Z" as the push only happens in height.


4)After that, I would play with an "attractor curve" to modify the length of the base lines. 

Have a look at this definition for that, instead of changing the radius of the circle I would us the curve to "push" the points like on your image.


5)Finally, I would place new lines SDL at each point and use "Closest Point on surface" and "Evaluate Surface at Point"  to find the p[perpendicular direction to the surface at each point...


6) I would loft all the lines :)


I hope this makes sense. Please let me know, I will try to help in a more visual way.

it just looks like a bunch of curves projected on a surface in z direction XD





hmmmmm. (:






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