
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone! I'm an Italian university student and I'm working on my graduation thesis. The first part consists in reproducing with Honeybee and Ladybug some daylight simulation another student did with Diva. I can obtain all the results even if not all of them are the same as the reference. The main problem is sDA300 50%, which with Diva was 63,3% and I get 100%. (I also changed RADparameters to make them equal to the ones used in Diva)

My teacher suggested me to find an example of a Honeybee sDA simulation to reproduce to see if i get the same results. This could help to see if the results the other student got are not accurate. Is there an example with results I can use for this?

And another question is: with Diva is possible to visualize sDA values on a grid (like DF, DLA, UDI), is it somehow possible to obtain it even with Honeybee and Ladybug?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english


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Hope this works.


Thank you so much, this is very helpful!! Can I ask you the value of sDA you got with this simulation?

Thanks again, 

Hi Lisa,

I get 60% points receiving at least 300lux for at least 50% occupied hours.

I got the same results!! I tried even with my geometry and it worked so thank you very much! Have a good day!

Sure! Glad it worked.






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