
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,

I have created all picture frames by using Slider Animation.

For some reason i can not open the pictures in photoshop CS4.

i have changed the extension from *.bmp to *.Jpg, it still will not open. Says in-valid file.

Can any-1 help me out?


Kind Regards,

Views: 2524

Replies to This Discussion

Can you view them in Internet Explorer or Windows Fax Viewer? MS Paint?


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


Yes i could open the files and view them in

1) Windows Photo viewer

2) Microsoft office 2010

3) Paint

Hence it is strange it wont open in CS4. 

When i open in Microsoft office 2010, it only gives 1 option to save it as i.e. JPEG File Interchange Format.

Worst come i will have to print the frames in PDF then open in CS4, but there are 300 frames. it will be too time consuming.



I prefer to output images as PNG or BMP files if they are to be used in further post-processing (which is almost always). However, it seems the problem is with Photoshop as I use standard windows .NET functions for creating those images.

If you don't want to rerun the animation and save in a different format, perhaps you can use VirtualDub to load all jpegs and then export them as an image sequence. VirtualDub supports TGA, BMP, JPG and PNG.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

BMP wont open either. I think it might be the Photoshop. As i made a frame by frame movie in Movie maker and it works well. 

i think i will have to print them in pdf and then into PS. It works that way though.

Your time is really appreciated David. Thanks a lot.



The saved JPGs from an animation are actually just PNGs with the wrong extension... change it to .png and photoshop opens it no problem.

...that worked! Excellent.

Thanks Andrew

Thank you Andrew!

Today, as of May 2018, output images in JPG/BMP don't work with Adobe Photoshop / After Effects / Bridge. Using PNG solves the problem.







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