
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I used anemone to make a curve, the loop i made contains data from a line and an arc which then (inside the loop)joined together.This (line-arc) curve also joined with the curve from the previous loop (we are still inside the same loop).So the result is that its making a longer curve (arc-line) when i put more repeats in the loop.

What i want to do now is to go backward or to be more precise i want to delete the data from the last loop so i can make a shorter version of the same line. This will make my definition more friendly to the user.

It would be helpfull if someone knows something about,using anemone plug-in.

Views: 367

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You mean "Browse History"?

well.. yes this is what i'm looking for! (sorry for the stupid question, i am beginner at grasshopper)
thanks Kim! 






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