
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am working on a grasshopper file that I would like to be able to manipulate via my android phone. Are there any tutorials on linking gh to android? Any advice would be great. I have come across a couple short videos of some examples using TouchOSC but they don't really help to understand how the link is done. I hope to create my own app in either processing or python to control the gh model in rhino (if possible). 


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search "firefly" and also "ghowl"

the other day I tried this:

but i couldn't make it work in my tablet android 2.2.

To remote control my pc i use real vnc but its a little slow working in gh with the touch screen (a lot of paning, zooming and redoing things).

Here another post about others softwares for this:

Hello Drew,

You will need a protocol to get your devices talking to each other.  TouchOSC uses the Open Sound Control protocol, which is more or less a layer on top of UDP.  gHowl is a set of components that adds a few bits of functionality to GH.  Some of that is the ability to listen for and send UDP / OSC messages.  Check it out and let me know if you have any issues.



hi drew,

try kontrolleu.

a very simple, controller for gHowl and vvvv, using UDP.

by the way, luis: how excellent work is gHowl.

simply clever.

my congratulations







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