
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


For a new random test I need something to avoid recursive data errors...

Hoopsnake should be good, but the problem for me is that it STORE every cycle in its memory!

The first cycles are fast, but then it become to slow everything very shortly, because it is created a huge tree of datas...

There is something else very very (VERY) simple, to just avoid recursive data errors?

just like:

data>to memory

memory>to new data

without any other things, just... as light as possible....


maybe by c#?

thanks in advance

Views: 1604

Replies to This Discussion


have you tried anemone?

dont know how ti handles data, but maybe its suitable for your need.

The loop component in Octopus seems to work well:

Thanks guys for fast reply!

I didn't know either of them.

I'm trying them now.

Thanks again!

It may also be that you don't manage the data paths correctly and in the end they become very long (each loop appends new digits to the datatree). When those paths become very long (like 100 digits), it slows down the definition tremendously.

I don't really remember about data paths in the output;

I just know that I really don't need a history of older datas, those are completely useless for me, as I'm trying to implement it in a simulation definition.

Hoopsnake have a slot where it store ALL old datas, and there is no way to disable this, thus weighing for nothig.

Also anemone is slow:

just in the tutorial where for 10 very simple loops (like x=x+1) it takes fractions of a second, where it should be almost instant in every cpu by now

Also anemone is slow:

just in the tutorial where for 10 very simple loops (like x=x+1) it takes fractions of a second, where it should be almost instant in every cpu by now

working on that... 

Describe exactly what you are after and a C# script could be near you in no time.

Working with kangaroo, I'm trying to change vector trajectories depending of relatives positions and angles of vectors.

This should be done instant by instant.

Hoopsnake could be good but it grows an infinite pile of useless data, as said, weighting all for nothing.

Anemone can have history disabled but i't apparently slow, for me.

Still I haven't managed to get Octopus work.

What I SUPPOSE could be done is similar to this:

(and I don't know almost anything in C# and similar)

IF c# script restart, means input value changed (?)

(but this is not a really needed point, as in a simulation like mine, every iteration is different)

- take data from GH and send to specific located "slot" (or whatever) in memory (RAM uh?)

- take data back from RAM and output to GH

1 pin input 1 pin output

Hoopsnake really is close to this, just the "cumulative Feedback" ruins everything.

Er... let's put out RAM from out discussion, he he.

Let's roll it again (it's really elementary with C#):

You mean that you want to send some collection (DataTree and/or List) of random things (Vectors I guess) to Kangaroo?

If yes provide some indicative static definition of yours that does what you want (gets some input and makes some output). By static I mean that it does something once (and/or without taking advantage of other factors that could affect the "randomness" and/or the whole iteration logic).


Thanks for the help!

Ok for the RAM part XD

I have no idea of how make an example of it in only 1 step/iteration...

It's a swarming model, roughly...

Hmm ... a sketch maybe ? a 123 page description? 

I mean you said :

I'm trying to change vector trajectories depending of relatives positions and angles of vectors.

This unfortunately can't describe what the C# should do.

Something "swarming" like these maybe?


Yes, i was trying to achieve something very similar to

"09-Anmn_boids" ... btw I was searching for a simpler recursive method...

probably I'm wrong...

I'll try to make use of what already exist.






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