
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have noticed that with the latest version of Grasshopper you can no longer copy components by holding Alt and dragging the component, I am really hoping that this function will be brought.


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It wasn't taken out on purpose, ALT keys for some reason which I haven't figured out yet stopped working in some recent release.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Does this mean that it will be coming back? Could it be attached to a different key?

Eventually I'd like to put it under right-click. I.e.:

  1. Left button down
  2. Move Mouse
  3. Right Button down to create a copy at the current location
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 indefinitely
  5. Left mouse button up (if copies were made, this will not move the original object, otherwise it will)

This approach should work for objects, wires and whatever else is draggable + copyable.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

I like it, thanks for all the great work on GH, you have created a truly incredible tool here.

It's back!! Thanks David.

Missed that!

As it's been so long since it work I've gotten out of the habit.


  1. Left button down
  2. Press Alt
  3. Move Mouse
  4. Right Button down to create a copy at the current location
  5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 indefinitely
  6. Left mouse button up (if copies were made, this will not move the original object, otherwise it will)

worked with mine until 5... Am i doing it wrong?






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