
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

This is probably very simple but I'm just wondering how; 1, to run the curves in the other direction? and 2, how you guys would go about 'sweeping' rectangular geometry down the interpolated curves so that they remain vertical regardless of where it lies on the the surface. I tend to use perpendicular frames and the sweep1 tool, is that efficient for the job? Or is there a better way? Just can't keep them vertical! See screenshot.

Thanks a lot!


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This perhaps communicates the problem more clearly, the previous example would in fact generate vertical frames. However in this example with a surface that's curved on plan, seemingly arbitrary orientations are created. How do I get them vertical?

Any ideas?


part 2, after the perp frames align them to the z vector. See in screen the green is a loft without aligning, the red is after aligning. 

part 1, use flip matrix. 

This is the project I'm trying to apply this to, the definition almost works but for some reason a few frames aren't vertical, especially the one at the edge of the surface which is almost horizontal! Any ideas?

Also I've noticed that the frames are quite wavy along the surface and not truly following the hosted surface, how might I correct that?

Thanks for any thoughts, ideas, solutions!








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