
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys, im pretty new to GH so this may be a simple query. 

The thing is im intending to design an IMAX theater, but according to certain standard the viewing angles to the screen need to be within certain limits. 

It is about 60-120 degrees horizontally and about 40-80 degrees vertically.This is set to engage the viewers in an "immersible" experience.

Now in order to work this out... it is seeming almost impossible wit cad with too many variables to choose from. 

For example if i change the curvature of the seating arrangement.. or the vertical/distance from the screen the viewing angles of every person will change considerably.

So i figured GH could help me in this, if only i could make a certain geometry(in this case a viewing cone) face a particular point when populated along a curve. 

I have attached two a few images to give you an idea of what i want.

The first 2 images shows the theater ive designed with viewing angles from the center most spectator of the closest and the farthest spectator. I have not considered the outermost spectators which is where the challenge lies since the curvature of the seating comes in to play while working this out. 

The 3rd image gives you an idea of what i would want to do in GH. Hopefully someone could help me with this. 

Thank you. 

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