
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Saying that I have a planar mesh (non-rectangular and with holes in it), and I need to add vertices to this mesh.


This is to be able to have supports for the mesh at these points. Is there a fairly simple way?


I have been experimenting with:

1. Create mesh

2. Explode mesh

3. Use the mesh vertices and vertices to be added with Delaunay mesh.

This however gives me unwanted results as this mesh will combine across holes in the mesh an at concave edges.


Then offcourse i could explode it again, use the mesh polylines (WB) and then remove the "long" ones - and the finally greate a new mesh from lines (WB).


I am just wondering if there is a more "clean" and efficient way to do it?


Best regards Rasmus


Mesh vertices and polylines Green

Support points to add Red

Views: 5678

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Two options come to mind. For each support point you could...

  1. find the closest vertex and simply set its coordinates to those of the support point, or
  2. find the closest face, remove it and triangulate it to include the support point (see below).


EDIT: You might be able to implement (2) by getting the face's vertices, along with the newly added support vertex and simply appending the Delaunay triangulation of these vertices to the original mesh (after removing the original face, of course).

Thanks Will.

I know that it is possible to remove faces from a mesh with meshEdit tools. But how is it possible to add the tringulated face(s)? Do I just join them?

Yes, you should be able to just join them. If you go that route then you'll also want to get rid of duplicate vertices by welding the mesh. I think Weaverbird has a weld component...

Sorry if this is a bit vague. I usually resort to scripting!

hi i want to do what you say in the second step, but do not know how to select the face closest to the mesh. Sending the file to see if anyone can help Thank you


Just use mesh closest point to get the face indexes and then use delete faces component. It takes the original mesh and the index from closest point.

 Try this definition...... Has no difference between flat or convex, rectangular or non-rectangular mesh.


Cheers Igor. Looking at the image, that's exactly what I had in mind.






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