
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Is there any way I can access the name a user puts onto a component (via the context menu), and use that at runtime?  This would be a compiled component.

Lets say that the input is a string "hello"  and the user changes the name of the component to "hello."  Can I test if the input string and the name are the same in order to condition the output?


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Just as you wrote it, I guess:

Dim component As IGH_Component = TryCast(owner, IGH_Component)
If (component Is Nothing) Then
Print("This should never have happened, but the owner of this script is not a component.")
End If

If (component.Params.Input.Count = 0) Then
Print("The script component needs at least a single input parameter.")
End If

The thing I am not getting is , how to 

recieve them all afterwards. I tried 

Dim param As IGH_Param = component.Params.Input(0)

Dim ighList As List (Of IGH_Param) = param.Sources
Dim inParam As IGH_Param = ighList(0)

Dim names As String = inParam.nickname

A = names

But this just returns (0) of ighList.

Do I have to reference all items by index?

Missing some basics here.

Can somebody give me a hint please?

If you want to output all the names of all the sources of the first input parameter, you'll need to create a list:

Dim names As New List(Of String)

For Each source As IGH_Param in component.Params.Input(0).Sources



A = names


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Its not really what I am trying to achieve.

I think I have to be more clear.

See, this is what I want:

This is what I meant with same tree structure as the input. 

How is this possible?


You'll need to make a DataTree<string> to store your data in. The following code is untested, but I think it probably works:

DataTree<string> names = new DataTree<string>();

IGH_Param input = Params.Input[0];
foreach (IGH_Param source in input.Sources)
  string name = source.NickName;
  IGH_Structure data = source.VolatileData;
  foreach (GH_Path path in data.Paths)
    names.Add(name, path);
A = names;

ps. I realizes you're using VB, you can use this page to convert the code.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you!

p.s.: great page - didn´t know that , thank you again.

I have tried to reconfigure the VB in this example so that I can output data to excel through tttoolbox.

no luck... I'm not very grammatically / script gifted.

I have lines with nicknames ... sometimes a single line sometimes a list of lines..

I want to pass the nickname and line length data of each line to tttoolbox...

Like the entwine data component... but also passing on the nickname data.

Any ideas?

What I am trying, is to get a list of each input component with it's nickName and value output as a list instead of as an array.

I hope I'm making sense.

Actually, All I needed was a simple list out of each nickname connected to the x input.

So I got (nearly) that by removing step 4 "creating the tag string." then I set a to only output the names....

    '3. Get the first input parameter, and collect all source nicknames in a list.
    Dim param As IGH_Param = component.Params.Input(0)
    Dim names As New List(Of String)
    For Each source As IGH_Param In param.Sources

    '5. Assign the tag to the output A.
    A = names

This still gives me too much output but I can clean it up in grasshopper. Using tree branch and path {0;0} and taking the result into the rows input of tttoolbox

 ... as long as I connect my lines in the same order to the entwine and the VB script I can get a nice output

ok it's not ideal but it works for me just now... I'll have to put comment on the .gh definition to make it clearer

Thanks guys






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