
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

About giving a colour to a closed curve (for example) circle

It's not like I'm just asking you to give me an answer ...

I read in GH Primer on page 61, but it seems too complicated and much more than that, what I really need, to get the job done.

I also tried to "Extrude Curve" in the direction of the midpoint of the circle. BUT, it is not nice and smooth ... Look at this:

First: There exists a "radius" (again! :D) ... Second: The colour doesn't fill the whole area ... So I ask myself while I'm discovering your beautiful program, if there is any possibility to get a colour inside the whole area with the help of GH?

AND: I tried the search button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Views: 931

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This is all about render mesh quality.

Just to the top right corner of the canvas you should see a blue sphere that allows you to pick the quality of the render mesh. Change this to high

It worked like magic ... But this radius makes me unhappy ... Is there some method to get rid of it? ... Thank you ...

What's "mesh"?! ... I keep reading this over and over again ... 


Thank you!!! :)






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