
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have some frames, that I want to stich to an animated gif.

now 3 of them I want let them be shown for a longer time and not just like the other 101 frames.

I tried to copy and paste each of these 3 frames 20 times, but virtualdub didn't bother with that. It took every frame of these three frames only once. Copying and pasting them didn't help that much ...

Is there a way I could let each of these three special frames, that I have got, stay for like 5 seconds on the video screen? ...

how to get this done? ... Thank you for the help and the advice in advance ... :)

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Danny: you are right.

I also need to get this with GH done.

So I'll try my best to understand it. 

The problem is this:

If it's too complicated, then I'll have too many technical questions and I'm not sure, if these will be answered, but if you are willing to do so ... PEASE man! :)

The problem is:

I have a point, a merge component with two points and a merge component with three points ... Then I have an algorithm ... In this Algorithm there is a line component ... If I put the point as a startpoint for the line component in that algorithm, I get two small parallel lines at the point ... If I put the merge component with the two points as a startpoint in the line component in that algorithm, I get two small parallel lines at both points ... If I put the merge component with the three points as a startpoint in the line component in that algorithm, I get two small parallel lines at all three points ...

It looks like that:

I really wish you would go through the primer as suggested before so you can actually learn how grasshopper works. How can you speak a language without atleast learning the basics? This is just getting obnoxious now and I dont think you want to learn. Instead you want other to solve all for you. It is hard because you have not taken the time to learn to crawl before you walk.

Learning by doing :)

Well then do ;)

I'm really busy at the moment but here is what I have so far.

It bases the choice of 3 inputs to a [Stream Filter] on time in a given duration. (fairly limited)

The [Timer] is essential and must be running to work. If it's not then you will need to make sure it is enabled in the bottom right hand corner of your WINDOWS task bar. you should have a green tick like this:


I'll try this ... Thank you very very much!

Danny, I have questions to your algorithm and I hope you will find time to help me with these questions.

The algorithm is working just fine! I didn't need a timer or anything like this for it. The [Stream Filter] works just fine and gives S(0), S(1) and S(2).

But I don't understand ANYTHING! :D

So I started to try understanding ... What are these three things good for? What does it mean to connect them together? ... 

and how is this "component" called?

and where do I put the Input, that I would like to have? Let's say three points in the x,y-plane.

Thank you very much in advance ...

The component Time needs these two Inputs? What does the component timer exactly do?

so this combination gives you the time now. How many ways are there to split this to get the seconds out of time? Is there only just this one?

I found a longer way, that I understand:


Ahmed, it is so infuriating to go to the trouble of putting a detailed answer together to then find in the same space of time you were able to come up with the answers on your own. Please do this very carefully and thoroughly before posting more questions.

Against my better nature I will not respond to your questions right away. I will assume that you have not put any actual thought into a solution yourself yet and I will give you at least a few hours maybe more to figure it out.

Ok, I got this so far ...

What I need is: 

If t = 1 then:

show me 1

wait 2 seconds 

show me 1 AND 2

wait 2 seconds

show me 1 AND 2 AND 3

I'm trying to find a way to get the time started, when t equals one ...

Sorry I haven't been able to re-visit this but I have been over worked the last two weeks putting in 12-15 hour days in the office.

1) is the [Timer]

2) is the [Time] Parameter

3) [Text Split]   (or [String Split] in version 0.9.0014)

The [Timer] prompts a component to up date at the set interval. in this case every 1 seconds.

The [Time] param is a placeholder for a time in the same way that a [Number] param can hold real numbers.

By using "Now" as the input to the [Time] param you will get the current time when the param updates. therefore every second it resets to the current time.

The [Text Split] is there to separate the output of [Time] in a string format at every colon ":"

Therefore "Monday, 13-MAY-2013 (11:23:30)" would become:

0 Monday, 13-MAY-2013 (1

1 23

2 30)

The next two components use this to convert it into the current seconds. Because we are after the last item "30)" we can use [List Item] on a reversed list to get the last item.

Now we have to remove the ")" with [Replace String] but we are replacing it with nothing so it disappears.

The Arrow is part of the Sketch Tool Functionality of the canvas.

Lastly the 3 different inputs should go into the three different Inputs of the [Stream Filter]

Sorry Danny, I did put some thinking in it, but I just came up with this, while doing it!!! Learning by doing :) ... 

Now I understand 100% how you extract the seconds out of these components (timers, time and panel) ...

How you explained was:


The [Timer] prompts a component to up date at the set interval. in this case every 1 seconds.

The [Time] param is a placeholder for a time in the same way that a [Number] param can hold real numbers.

By using "Now" as the input to the [Time] param you will get the current time when the param updates. therefore every second it resets to the current time.)

You are awesome! :)

So I'm trying to figure out the rest of the algorithm. I can't just take it like that and use it like an idiot. I have to explain, what I'm doing and I'm very grateful for you generous help.


My question is now: if this timer doesn't work automatically like it did on my computer ... You wrote before, that I can download this timer for free ... when I give timer in google I get thousands of links ... which one do you use? ... 






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