
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

A Grasshopper Orrery - how to divide a circle repeatedly at a given angle?

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to use grasshopper as an 'orrery,' or a mechanical reproduction of the movements of the planets, specifically because they can make some interesting patterns when lines are drawn between them as they move in plan view. 

Linked below is my first attempt, used to create the image of the Earth and Venus orbiting below. It's an OK approximation, but it's using the principle of dividing a circle by the number of days in a planets year, which ends up being an integer number in this definition, although it should be a decimal fraction. In other words, this method makes it look as if the Earth is in the same position in space it was the year before, although it isn't because the year is not 365 days long but 365.256 days long.

How can you divide a circle in Grasshopper at an irregular angle so that the division point falls on a different point the second time around than the first, like a planet?

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to accomplish this, ideally in a way that still includes a slider which can animate the way the "Days" slider does in this version? 

If this is solved, this should work for all the planets just by changing the input values. 


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