
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


This post is not about grasshopper but I thought this might be the right audience for it. I work on a rhino plug-in in relation to my master thesis. Would anybody like to spend some time and give it a try? If so let me know.

To roughly put, the plug-in is aimed towards parametric form finding by using elements in modeling space instead of GUI  (as in grasshopper) or coding. The current vesion is for rhino 4, sp9



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Hi Baris,

is this by email only, or could you possibly put up a webpage somewhere with instructions and a download link? If you make it a blog post people can even comment directly, cutting effort for everyone.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


Good call David! The data I ask for is a bit demanding but It would be great if anyone interested could follow the link below and give some input! There is also a readme and a diary file to be downloaded in the link.

also please let me know if you want to fill in the diary so I have a rough estimate of who can participate

Maybe to put it succinctly, it is an attempt to apply the logic of attractor points to non-generative modeling.

it is very interesting.






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