
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


The "Brep Topology" component works perfectly in 2D, in recognizing connectivity with neighboring, adjacent cells and shared edges (as in the attached files). I was wondering if there is a method that translates "Brep Topology" component in 3D... Similar posts here:

The network of solids doesn't necessarily have to be a 3D voronoi. I am hoping to extract this connectivity information, so that I can do some more local operations on each of the solids individually with relation to its neighbors. 

Thank you!

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Hi Juney,

one brep is a set of joined surfaces, so the Brep Topology component returns the connection between the surfaces, independent of the dimension of the brep.

If I understand correctly, what you want to get is the topology of a list of breps. This is different and more complicated because there is no implicit information linking a brep/surfaces with the others, therefore, one has to find a solution, but it depends on how are the breps. For voronoi3d, by being in contact the breps, you can find some information that relates them, as you have seen in these links.

Thanks Daniel! Yeah, sorry for the confusion. These Breps indeed will sharing faces (3d voronoi-esque). It could be any subdivided solid, and as simple as a cube or a pyramid.

This definition should work when the breps are in contact (as with voronoi3d).


Amazing! Do you know why it gives an error on simple collection of breps, like ones in the attached file! Thanks Daniel!


Actually, it seems like the tree structure had something to do with it. Needs to be {0;0;0}... Although, I am not sure why that makes a difference, as the initial feed.

In the first Cull item component, enable on L input as "principal" (right click), and in the last slider, a value within the size of the collection.






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