
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Here is a script replicating some of the work presented on especially replicating this image

Size of patterns depends on Grid size. 

Time of calculation depends on grid size, _n_steps*jumps. 

Image above was done using this script and bend, taper ... from Rhino, and also modifying feed and kill rates. See

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Hello, I haven't my PC with me at the moment. I am also quite sure not to have saved values!
I think I used these coefficients "Here are two videos that show a "mitosis" simulation (f=.0367, k=.0649) and a "coral growth" simulation (f=.0545, k=.062)." the scale of the pattern is dependent upon resolution (200 ?) and diffusion B (0.4 ?).
For the scale in z, you have to test in 2d first and see when the pattern is what you want. So you have a number of steps, say 1200 steps and if you want 200 slices in z you need to put "steps between images" to 6 (1200/200).

Hello Laurent ! great job for your amazing work on reaction diffusion ! 

This is pretty awesome! I'm new to grasshopper. How do you make the model in 3D? If I change the values in the script then only the pattern red and yellow 2D plane changes

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