
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Rome Algorithm summer School

Event Details

Rome Algorithm summer School

Time: July 17, 2017 at 8am to July 28, 2017 at 6pm
Location: Rome - Faculty of Engineering - Sapienza University of Rome
City/Town: Rome
Website or Map:…
Event Type: workshop, summer, school, parametric, algorithmic, grasshopper3d, tutorials
Organized By: Faculty of Engineering - Sapienza University of Rome
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2024

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Event Description

Rome Summer School 2017 

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School Program

The program is based on advanced computational approach that enables designers and architects to overcome the imposition of prefixed architectural forms in order to enhance performance-driven design and responsive kinetic solutions that interact with humans and environment. Lectures on parametric design simulation, generative and form finding as well as environmental optimization, analyzing and digital fabrication prototyping, are integrated together in 2 main modules. Students from the beginning of the school will be divided into groups to compete on a case project increasing their ability to define project parameters, design factors, solving problems, understanding factors relationships, involving environmental and human sensors, and optimizing their projects solutions in smart and inelegance way. In the beginning of the school, parametric modelling will be introduced (Rhino3d and Grasshopper) to build the necessary skills of parametric generative form methods to students. In this module will be dedicated to digital design methods and physical model making by various fabrication techniques, including laser cutting and 3D printing. Students will focus on the idea of creating algorithmic architectural form inspired by nature and their research will be supported by a series of lectures. Also they will be split into groups in order to develop projects assigned by the professors. This Module also adds Form Finding techniques to the parametric design strategies. Students will learn how material system behaviors, physical forces and responsive structure system can be digitally simulated into parametric models in order to explore complex forms that optimized and adapted to its natural behaviors, initial forces, material, particles, and structure systems. Series of lectures on form finding, natural structural algorithms, material behaviors, and physical forces will lead student to optimize their project forms. It is experimental laboratory in which kinetic interactive Architectural models are tested and designed. Students will develop novel solutions, building upon learning responsive kinetic systems. They will design Architectural responsive robotic systems inspired by nature. Projects will transform by adapting to environmental conditions and human behaviors happening at real and virtual levels. 

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Comment by Michael Balter on October 28, 2024 at 6:51pm

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Comment by Terry Austin on February 20, 2024 at 2:00pm

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Comment by David Gardner on August 23, 2021 at 12:08pm

Hi and thanks for a nice description of this event. I am pleased to attend such events even when I work as a teacher. All this can improve my classification and help transfer new methods and knowledge to my students. But I'm here more as a reader now than as a teacher. I got nostalgia and remembered how during my teenage years I went to different summer educational platforms. My parents thought it would make me a real Einstein. So I met my future wife there, it was the true love of teenagers that grew into a real family. I would like to share material where you can get advice for yourself as a parent. It would be much better for me and my future wife if my parents were able to realize in time what was happening to us at that moment. But we can say education gave us a family

Comment by Mostafa R. A. Khalifa on May 16, 2017 at 7:23am

Registration Deadline is 29th of May 

Attending (3)





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