
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Parametric Passive Design (PPD) Workshop

Event Details

Parametric Passive Design (PPD) Workshop

Time: January 29, 2014 at 9pm to February 3, 2014 at 5pm
Location: Al Tagamoa El Khames , Main Center of Town , End of 90th street, Cairo, Egypt
Street: Al Tagamoa El Khames , Main Center of Town , End of 90th street
City/Town: Cairo, Egypt
Website or Map: http://grasshopperpolimi.word…
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: Future University in Egypt (FUE) Department of Continuing Education(DCE)
Latest Activity: Jan 17, 2014

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Event Description

Future University in Egypt The Department of Continuing Education Parametric Passive Design (PPD) Workshop. Rhinoceros-Grasshopper-Diva Simulation Tool... January 29th to 3rd February 2014. 5 days, 8 hours/day (40 hours) Future University in Egypt (FUE) Department of Continuing Education(DCE)   ________________________________________ The aim of this workshop is to teach participants how to create a parametric housing model which can be associated with day lighting and thermal analysis. Moreover, participant will get the opportunity to develop passively design envelope. The workshop is highly interactive giving different examples that develop a strong understanding of Grasshopper Workflow & different passive strategies using the performance simulation tool (DIVA). The participants  are divided into groups to study the different orientations and the final outcomes of each group are presented thus concluding the recommendation strategies for each orientation. At the end of the workshop, each participant will receive a Certificate of Attendance from Future University in Egypt. Target Participants: ‐Professional architects. ‐Master and PhD students. ‐ Last year of undergraduate students (ONLY). Prerequisite: -None, however, a basic Grasshopper & Rhinoceros knowledge is preferred. Used Software:(will be provided by the instructor). ‐Rhino 5 SR 3 ‐Grasshopper 0.90066 ‐DIVA Version ________________________________________ Workshop Outline: 1st DAY (Wednesday 29 Jan): 1.Introduction to passive design strategies (efficient envelope) 2.Introduction to parametric design logic 2nd DAY (Thursday 30 Jan) : 1.Developing technical tools based on reverse engineering technology. 2.Examples for parametric facade design 3rd DAY (Saturday 1 Feb): 1.Enforcing the parametric logics with Grasshopper 2.Introducing the performance simulation tool (DIVA) 4th DAY (Sunday 2 Feb): 1.Facade design using grasshopper ‐Studio work. 2.Associative techniques – Day lighting and thermal simulation 5th DAY (Monday 3 Feb): 1.Final optimization and final results 2.Group work presentation ________________________________________ Participants are required to bring their own laptops. To register: 1.Fill in the application form found in this link: 2.Kindly pay  the workshop fees at FUE DCE Admission or in the Bank account Number of participants is a minimum of 20  and a maximum of 24 ________________________________________ Workshop Trainers: Ayman Wagdy Mohamed Ibrahim Researcher at Sustainable Design research group | AUC Lecturer at Parametric design | AUC M.Sc. Architecture – Architecture and Building Technology| Politecnico Di Milano Haitham Salah Ali Mahmoud Teaching Assistant of Design course | AASTMT Head of design team | YBA Architect Principal and cofounder | Arkan Architect ________________________________________ For any questions or info please do not hesitate to contact us at : Mob.  : 01003220017 - 01008551772 Email :

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