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NU:S La Moda Veste l'Architettura |Fashion Design + Parametric Architecture

Event Details

NU:S La Moda Veste l'Architettura |Fashion Design + Parametric Architecture

Time: July 7, 2012 to July 10, 2012
Location: Chiostro del Bramante
City/Town: Roma
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Event Type: installazione
Organized By: Double Studio
Latest Activity: Jul 1, 2012

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Event Description


NU:S è una installazione nata da un’idea di Antonella Buono che irrompe con emozione negli schemi della scena artistica capitolina attraverso la  creatività  di giovani esponenti dell’eccellenza made in Italy: gli architetti Arturo Tedeschi, computational designer e autore del bestseller “Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper” e Maurizio Degni,  i fashion designer  Flavia Migani, Simone Bruno e Chiara Cola ed infine dello shoe designer  Alessio Spinelli, vincitore del concorso Who’s On Next 2011 nella categoria Accessori.

Frutto della loro energia e sinergia emozionale è un’opera corale che fonde le singole discipline nel rispetto delle loro identità, generando un innovativo manifesto espressivo e produttivo basato sull’integrazione dei tradizionali strumenti di disegno con processi parametrici elaborati al computer, oramai potente sistema d’indagine e sperimentazione formale per ogni disciplina artistica.

L’installazione, composta da quattro abiti completi e due calzature collocati all’interno di una scultura parametrica in costante dialogo con lo spazio espositivo, è il punto d’incontro tra decenni di ricerca teorica e una nuova consapevolezza progettuale. Il contributo musicale di Davide Severi, la documentazione dell’intero processo creativo e i video firmati da Francesco Ricci Lotteringi  si offrono allo spettatore coinvolgendolo in un apprendimento multidisciplinare.


In the evocative setting of the Cloister of Bramante, from July 7th to 10th, a new project created by Double comes to life: NU:S. 

An extraordinary and engaging installation, which examines the contamination between Fashion and Architecture and attempts to break the mold of the Roman art scene taking advantage of the important creative contribution of young and talented members of  Made in Italy: the architects Arturo Tedeschi (computational designer and author of the bestselling "Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper ") and Maurizio Degni; the fashion designers Chiara Cola, Simone Bruno, Flavia Migani, and Alessio Spinelli  (shoe designer winner of the 2011 Who's On Next in Accessories category). The concept and the creative direction are the undertaking of Antonella Buono. The result is a harmonious work that merges the individual disciplines while respecting their identities creating an innovative expressive manifesto, thanks to the use of a revolutionary architectural language: the parametricism .

Parametricism is a paradigm which utilises digital models generated through new techniques of computer programming, which today can be considered as equally powerful systems of investigation and formal experimentation,  as are considered conventional drawing tools. 

The installation, which is the culmination of decades of theoretical research and a new planing knowledge, consists of four dresses, complete with accessories, which are located within a parametric framework in constant dialogue with the exhibition space, involving the audience in a multidisciplinary learning process. 

The installation soundtrack was composed by Davide Severi, a talented musician with a substantial knowledge of reinassance music and strong digital music background.

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