
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Grasshopper Combined Training

Event Details

Grasshopper Combined Training

Time: May 21, 2010 at 9am to May 25, 2010 at 6pm
Location: Stockholm
City/Town: Stockholm
Website or Map:
Event Type: lecture, training
Organized By: Marco Folke Testa
Latest Activity: Apr 24, 2010

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Event Description

Grasshopper Training in Stockholm is a complete tool for architects and designer who want to explore the world of parametric modelling.
The course will give fundamentals to develop new design strategy.

Combined course
Grasshopper Fundamental Training and Hands-On Workshop +
Grasshopper Advanced Workshop on the .Net SDK

Rhinoceros users are invited to Stockholm for a Five-day intensive Grasshopper workshop. The first two days will consist of fundamental training and hands-on workshop, Participants in the workshop will be guided through the details of this visual programming plug-in within Rhino, including understanding parameters, volatile data, referencing, and functions in order to extend Rhino’s functionalities for personal and professional applications. On day three, four and five the course is an Advanced Workshop on the .Net SDK, a scripting course based on the Rhino .Net SDK and its fundamental link with Grasshopper. It is designed to allow the user to accomplish more with this algorithmic modelling program and has the goal to enter the programming world and tinker more complex, interactive solutions. We will also explore advanced programming paradigms. There is no class official programming language, as both C# and Vb.Net are possible on the participant’s side, and all examples will be provided in both C# and Vb.Net. Additionally, we will see how to get started writing full .Net plug-ins. Finally, we will have time to explore user’s own proposals on the 5th day.

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Comment by Marco Folke Testa on April 16, 2010 at 5:48am
It will be held in Reinstiernas gata 12 - 116 28 Stockholm
Comment by Simon Kallioinen on April 16, 2010 at 5:45am
Where in Stockholm will the training be held?
Comment by Marco Folke Testa on April 7, 2010 at 6:06am
Hi Vishal,
you are wellcome to join the combined training in Stockholm.
The course will be headed in English. Our trainer is Giulio Piacentino from McNeel Europe.
Please refer to to see the program in detail.
The first two days will consist of fundamental training, this course is for Rhinoceros users that have little to no experience of grasshopper.
Comment by Vishal Sawlani on April 5, 2010 at 2:21pm
could anyone please tell me that what is the price of this 5 day workshop and does it involve teaching basic stuff on grasshopper....i mean people who are interested but have never used it before...

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